Chrome App
To install the Chrome App just pull the udpx repository on
master branch
git clone
It contains the app manifest in
- 1. chrome://extensions -> Enable developer mode
- 2. Load unpacked extension and point to examples/app directory
- 3. That's it, you can open it on:
Web tester tool
Npm /Node installed
Since we can't send UDP directly from the Browser please download
this file and run:
nodejs middleware.js
It will simply redirect TCP -> UDP so the packages can be sent from the web tester.
Companion Firmware
Remora Listens short UDP commands and triggers
fast animations in ESP32/ESP8266.
It supports udpx protocol (non compressed). So it can receive and render up to 484 RGB pixels as an animation frame.
It's mainly used to be triggered from sequencers like ORCĪ.